A Healthier Me
COVID-19 Edition | Day 19 – 22

Busy week it was,
Head barely left the keyboard,
Except for pillow time.

I decided to not bore you all with the dole-drum busy week I just had, well, Monday to Thursday at least. There was the major program happening at work, documents to sign for the house sale, and further nit-picking on the house buy side too. By Thursday night, I was ready to just give it all up and run for my peaceful sanctuary—except I’m still negotiating with the sellers. Damn! No escape yet! This, for me, is the hard part. I’m actually looking forward to moving in with all my shit in boxes. I’ll immediately set up the bed, and put a few hygiene items in the bathroom (I’ve begun hoarding toilet-paper—got a whole 6 rolls stashed away in my car), and then hibernate for at least a week.

I did have some good phone conversations with good friends during the week, which helped keep me on the sane side of life by providing a much needed break from all the negotiating, working, head-buried-in-code, and conference calls that consumed that was all consuming of every active brain cell. Well, maybe not all, but it was mostly very dull and frustrating. Next week at work will be much easier, but I fear the negotiation battles will continue. It’s beginning to feel like the sellers don’t actually want to sell as they keep coming up with tactics that delays the whole process. I did put an end date on everything, so if they don’t get their butts in gear, they’ll loose the sale and have a nasty lawsuit on their hands (yes, I’ll get my deposit back, but I’ll be wanting the costs associated with the inspection, appraisal, pain and suffering, and perhaps a lost opportunity on starting the process with a different property), but I’m still holding out hope that it won’t come to that.

Anyways …. I survived these days, and Friday is moving along better. Check back tomorrow to see how that went.