Multimedia Portfolio

Please enjoy this sampling of my multimedia work. You can find these and more of my multimedia projects at:

My Vimeo Page

My YouTube Channel

SteadyCare’s Attendance & Verification System: Alice & Billy’s Story

Bruker Daltonics’ FTMS trade show kiosk video Art Direction and Project Management by Valerie Cox
and produced by Scribner Media Inc.

Bruker Daltonics MALDI Biotyper Art Direction and Project Management by Valerie Cox
and produced by Scribner Media Inc.

Award-Winning ASA Trade Show Video: Wellness Works—Borrower Calls

Award-Winning ASA Trade Show Video: Wellness Works—Client Managers

Maya Angelou’s Phenomenal Woman, with Kinetic Animation created by Valerie Cox

Extra Curricular: Horseback Riding, a Digital Storytelling class project

Directions, a Video Field Production class project

Parkside Chats, a Digital storytelling class team project

Inside ASA, annual employee meeting kick-off video

The Associates, quarterly team kick-off video

Light Me Up, a Stop-Motion Animation sample

Scardy Cat (class assignment), an Animation Amalgamation class project