Sunday has arrived,
A day of rest well deserved,
All deep thoughts on hold.
Yes, a well deserved day of blissful nothingness. The brain needs to recharge, relax, and just float through the day without a single deep thought or planning. Today I’ll just let the day happen. No trying to control it, no deep planning sessions, no paperwork, reports, or any computer work at all. Just kick back and enjoy hobbies, a movie or two, perhaps some cooking—just rolling with it. This would be the perfect day for a hike up a mountain where you are allowed to get lost in your thoughts while surrounded by the healing properties of nature! But while the current quarantine is not prohibiting hiking or being out in nature, and there are a lot of places near me to do just that, the trails these days are packed with everyone else that is suffering from cabin fever. It’s quite comical, actually. The trails are so crowded that it would actually be safer to go shopping in one of those mega malls!
So I stay in. Sigh. Thank God for Netflix and Amazon Prime! 😉

(found a few missed stitches upon closer review).