Two days in one post,
Time flies when you’re having fun,
Old burdens are gone!
I find myself in catch-up mode once again, but in my defense it was a very very busy Two days. Well, one of those days at least!
Wednesday started out at a steady and manageable pace, but as the day progressed my need to put on the blinders to enable working on new code increased. Under normal conditions this would probably not have been the case, but there was an event to happen on Thursday that seeped into every conscious thought—a good event, yes, but seepage regardless.
So on to Thursday, and the big news for those that haven’t been following me on social media: CLOSING DAY! Yes, my former, beautiful townhouse is mine no longer! And, interestingly enough, even though I loved living there and was very comfortable in the space, this is not a bittersweet moment. I’m glad it sold. I’m glad I am no longer faced with paying the mortgage and condo fee each month. I am glad the responsibility is over! But I’m moving on up into a single family home that is twice as big as the townhouse with no one to dictate whether I can have a pet or not, and demand money to do so. Yes, there was a pool. Yes there were tennis courts. Yes they mowed the lawn and cleared the snow from the walkways and roads. But I only used the pool a few times a season, never stepped foot on the tennis courts, and can hire someone to do the snow removal and mowing in my new place (or do it myself). Well, maybe I’ll miss the pool, but the two dogs already on my list far outweigh the loss of a pool!
The new place? We still haven’t set a closing date as the sellers haven’t found their next home yet. I did offer to help them pack, however. They are downgrading into a rental so it shouldn’t take long for them to find a place. Even so, my need to “nest” has kicked in to high gear and I find myself already shopping for a new refrigerator. So now that’s the new anxiety: I can only window shop for now.
All-in-all, a great two days.