Today it actually feels like this healthier reboot is actually having an affect. Work is still quite overloaded, at least to the end of this week, but all the puzzle pieces are starting to fall into place and that makes it all feel worthwhile. The list, however, is not being checked off quite as quick as I would like, so I’m just going to give myself permission to change it from a “day” list to a “week” list. Ahhh—a sigh of relief. So here’s the list:
✔ steps: 10,324
✔ knitting
✔ paperwork filing (granted, this was not on the list, but I got it done at any rate)
✔ packed lunch salads for the week
Today sees only one addition to the list: work, but that “work” included several of its own child projects. So for now that’s my main source of stress.
This week’s goals:
- make ranch salad dressing
- make tomato sauce
- laundry
- create weekly meal plan
- create home inventory list (more on this later)
- 10,300 steps (Day 3)
- 10,400 steps (Day 4)
- 10,500 steps (Day 5)
- 10,600 steps (Day 6)
- 10,700 steps (Day 7)
- A few knitting rows each day
- A daily creative
- Maybe some guitar practice
So with the change from “Today’s” to “This week’s” is I combined all the lists into one. More manageable this way. You’ll notice there are still a few “daily” goals, and that’s okay! I’m still molding the plan. Send me your ideas and suggestions and I’ll give them a try. Did I mention I want your suggestions?
And I leave you with one last thought: Tomorrow the state is partially reopening 🙂 We’re trying to ease our way out of this pandemic. Good luck to everyone, stay safe, and stay healthy!
Day 03 stats:
Scale: ##3.0
Difference from last weigh-in: -1.8
Breakfast: banana
Lunch: salad and coffee
Dinner: tbd
Steps: 6,254 (so far)
Yesterday’s stats:
Scale: ##4.8
Difference from last weigh-in: +2.4
Breakfast: eggs, sausage, coffee
Lunch: salad and coffee
Dinner: baked chicken and spaghetti squash
Steps: 10,345
Sounds like some good girls. Nothing is easy. As far as my suggestion to you for a healthy life, I say try to get out as much as possible. The isolation is not healthy for anybody. Lots of restaurants and other businesses are opening this way, I hope so you’re way too.
Got to go shoe shopping on Sunday in Keene 🙂