Woohoo! It’s Battle the Sugar Dragon day! Yes, folks, day 4 is the day you’re ready to “cheat just a little bit” by indulging in something just a tiny bit sweet. Don’t do it. Just a tiny bit leads to just another tiny bit, and another tiny bit, and before you know it a “tiny bit” becomes half a chocolate pudding cake, or two cream-filled donuts, or [fill in your sweet indulgence of choice and triple a “tiny” bit]. Whatever the cheat, you get the picture. Just. Don’t. Do. It. We made it to Day 4! So grab your armor and choose the fruit instead. I’ll get back tot he Sugar Dragon in just a bit.
As life is not as monotonous as it sometimes seems, this morning I had a doctor’s appointment before work (routine vision exam), so it did throw a few monkey wrenches into my breakfast routine. The good news is no oatmeal for me this morning. The better news is the vision exam was great in terms of no changes or issues spotted. But this meant that my breakfast was delayed by almost 3 hours, so I had plenty of battle time with the beast, and I came out victorious with only a few minor [cravings] cuts and scratches.
It was tempting to just forgo packing something for work and adding an egg and cheese wrap to my normal black coffee Dunkin’ order, but then that would lead to having to find something on plan for lunch, and then no snacks, and I knew I’d be starving by 4pm and would most likely overeat at dinner time. So I settled on, “I’ll at least pack a salad.”
Battle #1: Valerie – 1 |Sugar Dragon – 0.
The mere act of packing a salad for lunch then lead to needing salad dressing, then pulling out the raisins and tomatoes to add to the salad, and then quickly throw in a banana, and the grapes I washed last night, add almond milk to the Yeti that Pattie gave me a few years ago, and before I knew it I was all set for the whole day.
Battle #2: Valerie – 2 | Sugar Dragon – 0 !

But even with everything packed, I was still tempted once 10am rolled around as I was leaving the Optometrist’s office. Dunkin’s was just two doors down and I could smell the coffee as I walked to my car. Battle #3 began with that sneak attack! I could not run, I could not hide, I was going to meet it face on! Thank GOD for Dunkin’s On-the-Go App. I entered my order using the app, just the coffee while constantly reminding myself “there’s a banana in the lunch bag, there’s a banana in the lunch bag, …” over and over until the order was submitted. Now I only need to pop in, grab my to-go coffee, transfer it to the Yeti, and make a quick exit and I may not even need to speak a word to anyone (but I do always still throw in a “hello” or a “good morning” just to acknowledge the hard work they all do to get my order ready quickly.
Success! Battle #3: Valerie – 3 | Sugar Dragon – 0 !
Once at work, the next few hours should be battle free. I’ll have the banana, drink the coffee, and enjoy the grapes. I’ll be eating lunch at my desk instead of the cafeteria today, but forgot to pack a fork so I’m clumsily and slowly eating it with a spoon!
Battle #4: Cancelled 😉

That’s all I have to today. There were no more battles to fight, so the Sugar Dragon slinked away to fight someone else another day!
24-hrs: ↓ 1.4
Total: ↓ 16.4
Steps: tba
Breakfast: fried eggs, sausage, and a Dunkin’ coffee.
Lunch: Salad topped w/chicken and homemade dressing, and coffee.
Dinner: TBD