A Healthier Me
COVID-19 Edition | Day 26

Starting a new week,
Refreshed from a great weekend,
Bring on delayed tasks.

Yes, bring on all those other work tasks that were pushed to the back burner! The trumpet that speaks more about a well-rested weekend than anything else. On the positive side, these tasks now seem so much smaller than they did on Friday, and I am banging them out at a rapid pace. It feels like things are almost back to normal. Yes, there are still some bigger projects to deal with, but it just feels so good to knock out about 20 smaller jobs to help blow out the fog!

Another great Spring day, although not as warm as Sunday, so not as many peeps out on the sidewalks. Or could it be that everyone got a good dose of the outdoors on the weekend and don’t feel the need today? Either way, I’m good!

In summary: emotions—good; activity—good; spirit—great; productivity—way up; and finally, scale—minus 1 lb.! At Day 26 of this COVID-19 edition, as long as food choices don’t deplete any further, I can envision wrapping this round up on Day 30 and starting back on a more traditional plan. Yay.

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